Briony can teach you the liberating practice of mindfulness and how it can be applied in every day life.
What Can Mindfulness Help With?
While being mindful doesn’t work for everyone, the American Psychological Association show evidence that it can help you to:
- Reduce stress.
- Improve working memory capacity
- Improve focus
- Be less emotionally reactive
- Be more satisfied with relationships

What is Mindfulness?
Many practitioners have defined mindfulness over the years. Here are a few definitions:
- "Bringing one's complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis" (Marlatt & Kristeller)
- “Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally” (Kabat-Zinn).
- “The non-judgmental observation of the ongoing stream of internal and external stimuli as they arise.” (Baer)
- “Awareness of present experience with acceptance.” (Germer, Segal, Fulton)
- Conscious awareness of your here-and-now experience, with openness, interest and receptiveness.” (Russell Harris, The Happiness Trap)
Why Choose Briony?
Briony has over 35 years experience counselling individuals and couples, helping them to improve their relationships and lives. Part of her success can be attributed to helping people to practise being mindful with a view to improving their ability to cope with life’s stresses.
See here for a full list of Briony’s qualifications and training.