Telehealth – Online Therapy
Briony can provide remote, online therapy using Zoom. Zoom is so easy that all you need is your internet browser! Help make your session more successful by:
- Ensuring you are in a quiet, well lit and comfortable location.
- Making sure you will not be disturbed by family, friends or co-workers during your session.
- Ensuring your internet speed and reliability are adequate. Sometimes using a phone’s 4G connection is better than a home internet connection; and
- Positioning your laptop or phone so that you can comfortably see Briony.
Remote therapy can require a little more attention than a face to face meeting:
- Getting eye contact can be more difficult. Positioning the camera to face you is key; and
- It’s more difficult for both parties to detect changes in body language.
Contact Briony to arrange an appointment for online therapy.
- Download Zoom – for Outlook, Chrome or Firefox (not necessary unless you want to use Zoom outside of your session with Briony)